Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:55 AM

3.3 mi


7:20 mi


68 F
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Temp 68 Winds Calm. Humidity 91% Dew Point 66°.

AT Tempo Run (20+/24/12 Format on Track). Unsure all day yesterday where recovery would be this morning. Woke up with lingering mild inflammation, knee and below on right side (common), but once moving, gears felt greased and plenty of spring in my step.

Extra easy jog to the track, then two laps of surge/strides on the straights to prime.

Tempo averages 7:20 overall with mile splits of 7:24 / 7:21 / 7:14 / 0:31 (7:09). Twelve laps total, mostly in lanes 6-8, six in each direction. Started to feel much easier than expected. So much so that focus started to drift in and out during final 6:00 minutes.

Short, 12:00ish minute trip back to the house. One penny courtesy of last night's high school soccer game.
