Run: Race Previous Next


9:30 AM

8 km


5:36 mi


40 F


10 / 10
7 / 10

Race Result

59 / 22575 (0.3%)
59 / 10397 (0.6%)


The race was on par with my general feeling for the past week and a half... which is to say pretty bad. I just seem to be lacking the energy to run well for some reason. I went through three miles with mariano and targosz at what I thought was an appropriate pace (about 16:24 or so?), and felt alright but I ran out of gas immediately afterwards. I really tanked in the forth mile. I managed to pick it up a bit on the 5th but mentally I was pissed and kind of gave up before then. Was hoping to run around 27:00 but due to a bad stretch of training in recent weeks I came home in 27:46.

Mentally I am ready to hit the training hard but am worried that my body is not up for it. Not sure what to do.

1.5 mi w/u

8k race

1 mi c/d
