Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:08 PM

10.1 mi


8:54 mi


205 lb
150 bpm
168 bpm
48 bpm


9 / 10
7 / 10
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Was going to do this run outside. When i stepped-out the door and it was 35 degrees and the rain was blowing sideways, I decided to head to the treadmill. I hate the treadmill, especially when it's over 6 miles or so. I found this run especially torturous. Then the treadmill shut-off automatically at 1 hour. Ugh. I've been having an issue with pain and numbness in my toes that I didn't think was a big deal. I thought maybe my new shoes weren't quite broken-in or something, but it's gotten progressively worse over the past two weeks. Dr. Jack told me yesterday that it appears I've developed metatarsalgia in my second metatarsal. It was really a nuisance today as it started around the second mile, it usually doesn't start until after the 5th or 6th mile. I hope it resolves during my taper. In the meantime I'm not looking forward to slogging-out 18 miles in the cold, wind and rain tomorrow morning, but I will NOT be running 18 on the dreadmill...
