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11:03 AM

5 km


7:20 mi


Brooks Launch


200 lb
165 bpm
175 bpm
48 bpm


70 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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5k Vdot Test


My final 5k Vdot test before the marathon. Just gauging my performance based on my recent speed workouts I figured a sub-23 minute 5k was within reach, so I set that as my goal for today. I was originally going to run with the Central Mass Striders this evening, but Lex reminded me last night the she'll be working tonight making that impossible, so I just set-out on one of my regular routes and tried my best to simulate race conditions with my mind. I tried not to go out too fast in the beginning going down Birch Brush Hill because I knew I had to come right back up Prospect Hill. When i reached the top of Prospect, i thought that maybe I had overdone it and a 23 min 5k might be just out of reach for me at this time. Somewhere in the second mile I hit a wall. I now know what everyone is talking about when they talk about the "lactic acid" burn. Literally all of my muscles felt like they were on fire, even my arms for Pete's sake! I kept pushing through the pain, i wasn't going to give-up that easily. I've felt worse pain in my life, i could make it through this. When my watch beeped and I saw my 2nd mile split I knew it was within reach and I kicked it into high gear. My 3rd mile split clicked off and I knew I was running as hard as I could and I just kept it up for another tenth of a mile. When I was done and realized what I had accomplished I was psyched. I've come such a long way from that first 5k of 29:00 at the end of October. Amazing. Then came the cramps. My legs started cramping-up something fierce, so I stopped and gave myself a good stretch before the easy 1 mile jog home. I noticed that I got my first blister and realized in my haste to get out the door this am I forgot to put Body Glide on my feet! Duh! Ugh. I actually took-off my shoes and ran the final 0.5 miles home barefoot, mostly on the grass shoulder, but it felt good. Apparently I am my own toughest competitor. LOL!
