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6 mi


8:11 mi


This was really tough. It was super hot and humid out because of the rain earlier in the morning, and I was extremely dehydrated. From the moment we started I just didn't feel good. My form felt awkward and my feet felt like they were in cement. Made it to the turn around doing pretty well, stopped for water just north of 75th on the way back, and then again just south of Broadripple Ave. Even though this wasn't a great run, it was one of those where you finish and you know you did it and you didn't give up even though you could have just said it's too hot and I don't feel good and cut it short. I have been drinking a lot of water tonight, so hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. And hockey starts tomorrow, so I will be going straight from running to hockey practice! Might be a long night, but I'm super excited for hockey to start!

PS- I was wondering if maybe we could get a coach or Dr.Atha to send out a mass email to all of the teachers asking them to allow us to have a waterbottle in class on wednesday. I'm seriously worried about being dehydrated for the meet if the weather and heat are going to be like today... Just a thought
