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12.7 mi


10:05 mi

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<No name>


Actually 2:30 - that is the moving time. That's Lyth recce number two: left car near the Black Labrador pub in Underbarrow and bike near Gilpin Bridge at the bottom of the Lyth Valley. My task was simple. Run between them, pick up the bike, go home. Achieved that goal, albeit slowly.

Weather was horrible. Rained virtually all the way, with some strong winds. Soaked gloves. Soaked everything. Cold. Bright pink legs I noticed at one point. Very slithery and slippery.

Route basically straightforward - a couple of bits that I was glad to recce and get straight: Straight through the farm and under its washing line before you go into Durham Woods (those woods were very muddy and slippery); route over Whitbarrow was simple; the route up onto Whitbarrow through those trees - you kink right for a few metres to find the start, instead of going straight ahead. Got the Blakebank bit wrong - those houses seem to have vandalised the footpath signs!

Just Levens section not recced, although still hazy on Scout Scar.
