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w T and W: Ben Nevis weekend. Schoolhouse Ridge up Sgorr Dhearg (1024m) - then to Sgorr Dhonuill (1001m) - back down through logged forest. Those two Munros are together called Beinn a'Bheither (thunderbolt mountain). >13km and 1300m ascent.

Parked at Ballachulish near Glencoe. Schoolhouse Ridge is a pleasing hands-and-feet scramble up a rocky arete on Sgorr Bhan; then beautiful sweeping wide scree ridge to Sgorr Dhearg. Down to bealach at 757m. Left rucksacs by a rock and a steep up-and-back to top of Sgorr Dhonuill. Only saw about 6 other walkers the entire day: one older guy told us that the lumpy ridge from SD is called Dragon's Tooth ridge and recommended it all in snow!

Rain last night but the weather cleared as the day went on - views of Glencoe one way (Aonach Eagach ridge, Pap of Glencoe and beyond); Ben Nevis across the loch; and islands out to Mull the other.

Walking back down through the forests from the bealach was not so straightforward. Lots of active logging (fortunately not actually working on the Saturday), no path, brash and branches everywhere and all but impassable. We finally made it to a logging road and back to the A82 and eventually the village again.
