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Scafell Pike w T (post GCSEs) from the NT Dungeon Ghyll car park: Left at 9:30, back at 4pm, half an hour stop for lunch at the summit. Very warm and sunny - but then some thick clouds came down in the middle!

Route - Mickleden (looking lovely), up Rossett Ghyll, Angle Tarn (like a speech bubble), Esk Hause, then the rocky bits and steep climb up to SP summit - where there were suddenly hundreds of people! We planned return via Esk Pike / Bowfell / the Band - but down to almost zero visibility for about an hour and we couldn't even see it, so we carried on. Then cleared again, and so skirted round back of the head of Mickleden and down Stake Pass.

Hundreds (!) of charity walkers on Stake Pass, which I imagine is normally a very quiet place indeed! A few hardy and tired-looking souls were trudging towards Scafell Pike as the final leg of the X Triathlon Ironman, having already done the Fred Whitton route on their bikes ... My boots fell apart spectacularly, so I ended with the soles tied on with the bootlaces. Good day.
