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With S+B, E, I and J, plus Jane. E is basically better than me now (don't tell her), Bruce fortunately is at my level. T is fast and confident, W in racer mode and surprisingly competent, J is getting on well (flocon) and loving the little jumps at the edge of the path on reds and blues by the end of the week! Temps down to minus 19 at the start of the week; a couple of v cloudy (foggy) afternoons higher up; mild and warm by the end. Lots of amazing blue skies, very close to Mont Blanc, Alpine panoramas, huge amounts of snow, powdery off piste through the trees.

Bird count: choughs at the restaurants, black and white snowfinches in little groups (not snow buntings, I discover - we are not in Norway), plus flocks of tiny birds buzzing near the conifers - who knows? That is all very well, but J's ski instructor apparently pointed out a golden eagle close to their group. That's the one that got away.
