Run: Fartlek Previous Next


5:51 AM

5.1 mi


6:16 mi


79 F
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MacDill AFB Track

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79 deg with 75 dew point.

Workout: 3 miles warm-up, 8:00, 6:00, 4:00, 2:00, starting at 5:30 pace and working down 10s or so per mile with 3:00 jog rest in between, 2 miles cooldown

Ran the workout on the track. Legs felt pretty good. No problem hitting the paces. Came through the mile in 5:25 and 5:18 for the 8min and 6min respectively. For the 4min, I came through 1200 in 3:49 and for the 2min I covered almost 700m.

Really happy with this workout. I can tell I improved in my speed a bit.
