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5:59 AM

8.6 mi


7:12 mi

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Planned workout: 2M warm-up + 4 miles of .15 fast / .35 easy + 2M cool-down. Programmed the workout into my watch; however, didn't realized that I programmed .15 for the easy portion instead of .35 until after the first repeat. Didn't want to get confused when the watched beeped too early for the easy portion so I cancelled the workout (on the watch) and manually split the intervals for the rest of the workout.

Legs felt light and the leg-turnover fast, which was a good feeling. Averaged approximately 45-46sec for the .15 distance. According to the watch, my speed got down to the low 5:00 and sometimes sub-5:00. The easy portion was long enough for the legs to recover and feel fresh for the next repeat.

Good workout.
