Run: Marathon Pace Previous Next


8:44 AM

13.5 mi


5:52 mi


43 F
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Havre de Grace Downtown

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Weather: good running weather for the long run. 8mph winds from the WSW.

Workout: 3 miles warm-up, 3x4 miles at 5:45ish with 3:00 EASY jog. Take a 3:00 jog after the third and then run 1/2 mile FAST, 3 miles cooldown

Was supposed to run this workout yesterday, but pushed it one day to the right because of baby sitting duties. Probably was a good idea because the legs felt real good today.

The first segment felt okay. It seems that the first mile or two of a tempo run always feels the toughest. I look at it as a sign that I'm a slow starter and get better as the run progresses. 22:49 (5:42, 5:45, 5:39, 5:43)

The 2nd segment felt nice, smooth and controlled. It actually felt easier than the first. I was happy to see splits right around 5:40ish and still feel comfortable. 22:40 (5:38, 5:41, 5:39, 5:42)

On the 3rd segment, I got off to a quick start (5:32 1st mile) and basically kept the pace at a high tempo. Was quite surprised that I was able to hold low to mid-5:30 pace for the last segment. 22:16 (5:32, 5:36, 5:32, 5:36)

After the last segment, I took a 3:00 jog and then did a fast 1/2 mile. Ran 2:28 (4:56 pace), which felt fast but not overdoing it.

Excellent workout to end a very good and tough week of training!
