Bike: Long Previous Next


12:30 PM

78 mi


17.79 mi / hr


70 F
  • Map


long afternoon ride down to the smelly environs of greeley to see crabtree. group of gavin, james, walter, erland on the way out. first time for walter doing anything like this, and james' first real ride for months. tailwind on the way out but didn't push it all that much. kinda turned the wrong way in greeley and added a good 5 or 6mi to an already long trip. got a taster tray, ordered a pizza, pint of oatmeal stout, then it was back on the road racing the sun back to foco. walter and james got a ride back up, so it was just gavin, erland and myself. I was concerned initially about the headwind, but it really died down as the ride progressed and we cranked well, working together well to maintain 19 or 20 for most of it, broken up many times by red lights. got back just at dusk, pretty spent.

an attempt at mapping it, shat upon by shitty software, and i'm not gonna change it again...
