Run: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

12.5 mi


8:27 mi


172 lb
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Dermot and me. First leg real slow, I'm beat from leg work Friday and yesterday's workout and Dermot's beat from boozing all night. The whole run was real close to last week's time I think because the cloud cover kept the heat below 85. Solid workout... to lulu's after for bacon and eggs.

Stupid human story of the day: running north on GSB, some old balls cyclist is heading right for us until veering at the last minute saying "thanks for nothing guys." I guess he wanted room in the bike lane. I have run 500 + miles on that road and 99% of bikers go around in the road, in fact they want to, they freak out if you try and give them room in the bike lane. This especially true when there are no cars coming. So this old d-bag expects us to know he is the 1%. I told him to fuck off and said I'd see him on the way back. Cyclists- bunch of asseholes.
