Run: Tempo Previous Next


6 mi


8:18 mi


9 / 10
8 / 10
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Ugh. I got this done, but it was hard. Just hard. The first mile was agony d/t the butt problem. Amazingly, tho, after that slow w/u the 4 "tempo" miles didn't hurt there - they were just real hard and I kept wanting to quit. I did the first at 8:05 and then the next 3 at 753 - then a cool down, so I had a good workout, but it was a struggle to do it. Afterwards I was hobbling b/c of the butt pain. Hurts to sit especially, but other other movement is hard to. The ham has also seemed to seize up now - in a constant state. (logging several days after this run). Monitoring . . . . and might be back to Dr. Curt soon. Going to try to run Sat. and see, but it's possible this might take me out for a bit. We'll see. I'm afraid that last week's hill run is responsible. The treadmill gives me great workouts, but it tends to make me over do it.
