Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:45 AM

9.1 mi


7:35 mi


176.6 lb
152 bpm
169 bpm


63 F
  • Map


Tempo run, 4 miles from mile 5-7 of BSM and back. Started the tempo portion a little slow, on the high end of the range. Picked it up each mile. Able to run good solid pace before and after the tempo run.

4:25 7:44 0.57 126

9:28 7:46 0.65 130

13:14 8:11 0.46 140

17:35 8:21 0.52 142

20:32 7:58 0.37 138

22:22 7:03 0.26 151

27:45 7:16 0.74 155

32:30 6:59 0.68 157

34:51 7:20 0.32 160

37:05 6:58 0.32 160

41:42 6:47 0.68 164

42:20 7:02 0.09 163

46:41 6:41 0.65 167

48:27 6:47 0.26 169

51:35 8:28 0.37 159

55:35 7:41 0.52 156

59:18 8:04 0.46 160

64:30 8:00 0.65 161

69:12 8:14 0.57 166
