Run: Long Previous Next


4:45 AM

17.1 mi


8:38 mi


172.5 lb
140 bpm
160 bpm


71 F


3 miles in I was starting to calculate different ways to cut the route short. Legs just felt tired. Finally along Mill Rd I hit a couple of downhills and got a better rhythm and starting feeling better. Once I turned onto 110 I made the call to finish all 17. Felt better at 12 miles than at 4. Good job to fight through mentally and get the miles in. Was spent last night and went to bed at 9pm, the extra rest helped.

5:43 8:55 0.64 122

14:03 9:09 0.91 119

20:34 8:34 0.76 127

26:11 9:03 0.62 127

32:11 8:57 0.67 142

39:35 8:42 0.85 138

45:53 8:52 0.71 138

56:35 8:41 1.23 135

64:02 8:52 0.84 143

68:18 8:32 0.50 142

74:58 8:32 0.78 138

80:44 8:36 0.67 143

86:42 8:31 0.70 146

95:48 8:30 1.07 150

99:46 9:00 0.44 143

104:59 8:16 0.63 146

112:46 8:56 0.87 149

118:46 8:41 0.69 145

124:17 7:46 0.71 139

130:08 8:28 0.69 149

137:07 8:43 0.80 148

142:02 7:48 0.63 146

143:12 8:19 0.14 155

147:47 8:02 0.57 156
