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11.5 mi


7:00 mi

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Busse Woods


Proud of this one. Met up with Jarod, Leonel, and Muneeb at Busse this morning. Jarod was definitely pulling us along a little bit but I was happy for the pacing. Muneeb and I let him (and Leonel) go in the last mile and I think Leonel said they ran a 6:35 last mile. For the most part felt smooth, got a little tired at the end and my hip was feeling a little tight but still felt strong at the end. Enjoying not working out and doing fast long runs this break.

I've applied to 10/17 grad schools. Feels like the hooooooome streeeeeeetch.



i like ur watch for the last half mile. Allllmost done with the grad stuff u got this!

Adriana Miltko

Wahoo for being close to done!! It's going to be so worth it!