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9:30 AM

14 mi


11:30 mi


155 lb


1 / 10
  • Map



day 3, leg 1.

From mr. pickwicks in stowe, up the quiet path and mountain road to the toll road (7 mi / 55:35), toll road to the summit (4.5 mi / 53 min / 3200 ft gain total), some steep ass gnarly hiking trail 1.1 mi of technical scramble down the back of mt. Mansfield to the ccc road then 2+ mi screaming downhill on rocky fire road to underhill state park.

Got to the parking area at underhill all delirious and almost ran past the cars until I saw Evan. Stopped and said, "hey what's up I just ran here from Stowe," then started laughing hysterically at how funny that sounded. A guy getting into a nearby car was looking at us with a strange amazement.

Fell down in the grass and looked up at the sky for a few minutes.
