Run: Easy Previous Next


8.3 mi


7:17 mi


Easy building morning run. I didn't think I would go my typical Monday hour run. I was more sore and tired from Sat's run than I expected to be. Thought about turning back 15min into it today. Thankfully I pressed on and eventually opened up the last 20min or so.

I saw a lot of interesting wildlife related things on this run too. 5 deer were hanging out in between the river and the path just north of 49th st. Going past the zoo, I was able to see the bison. A little bit north of there, I saw a few noisy turkeys hanging out by the river. At the end of the run I saw what I originally thought was a roadrunner. That didn't seem very likely though. Not in eastern South Dakota. It was probably just a skinny pheasant.
