Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

4 mi


6:45 mi


61 F
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Fermi Lab


Super excited that I got a run in today. Not being able to run while it has been so warm these past few days has been killing me. Truth be told, I wasn't terribly optimistic as I headed out the door because my ankle felt a tad sore after I got off of work. There was no pain as I started though, just the normal aches you'd expect to have when you head out for a run after being on your feet all day. I cautiously continued into Fermi Lab and enjoyed the day with a nice four miler. The first two miles were 100% pain free. About two miles in I started to feel a little tenderness" - nothing I'd call pain - in my ankle. The intensity of that tenderness built a tad during the last two miles but was never bad. I'm going to be cautious these next few days but I'm really glad that it seems like I don't have a stress fracture. I wouldn't expect a stress fracture to feel so much better between last Thursday and today. I'll definitely keep icing it a bunch and taking ibuprofen. Hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things by next week.
