Run: Warm Up/Cool Dow Previous Next


3.8 mi


6:51 mi


Good workout except for one giant detail at the end. I'll tell the story of the workout here and put the details in the fartlek section.

Did 1.5mi for a warm up. Felt pretty good. I knew I wanted to do a fartlek of some sort for my workout and get 10mi total in but I wasn't sure about the details. Just cranked it up to 10.1mph to start the workout and took it from there. After a mile or so I pumped it some more and by the end of my first 3mi segment I was up to 5:45pace or so. Decided to take 1/2 mile at 6:40pace between each pick up. If, after the 3mi starter, I did 1x1.5mi, and then 2x1mi I would only need a short cool down to hit 10mi total. So that's what I did. Until about .3mi in the down time before my last pick up I was interupted by a girl (spokesperson for a group of girls) saying "Excuse me, we need this treadmill. The track team has these two treadmills." She did not say "Can we please use these treadmills?" or even "Are you almost done?" simply "we need this treadmill." I was shocked and didn't know what to say. So I responded; "seriously? Like right now?" trying to politely display my displeasure with the "request." Her forceful response to that was "well, like within the next minute." After that I was genuinely pissed. I told her I was doing a workout and just had one interval left. "You can't wait 5 and a half minutes for me to do one more mile?" "No, we need it right away." Flabergasted I hit the stop button, grabbed my water bottle and walked away. I didn't wipe down the treadmill but that wasn't out of malice. I was simply so shocked that I forgot. With that being said, I'm still glad I didn't wipe it down. I hope they enjoyed using a Monty soaked t-mill. You have no clue how badly I just wanted to stand on the other side of the weight room and glare at them for the length of their workout.
