Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 PM

5.1 mi


8:29 mi


49 F


7 / 10
9 / 10
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Would have ran this run yesterday, but I wanted to fully recover after my first run back. Today was a complete opposite of a rough run on Friday. Shoes felt a little better...still need replacement or just breaking in?

Took a nice 5 mile multiple hill loop that is my bread and butter short run, ran some portions of the uphills and downhills at an up-tempo/borderline interval pace to get a feel of what the race pace will feel like, but more importantly to test out the left hamstring.

I feel re-energized after today's run, and I've also incorporated a dynamic stretching program and eliminated any pre-run stretching until after a warm-up (5-10 minutes), which I am now completely sold on. Felt better, more explosive, and powerful. I'll be sure to add some other stretches, yoga postures perhaps?

I once again, cannot wait to race again...I just reminded myself that it's only been 3 weeks since the marathon, so I should be able to lay some smoke down on Sunday! If I feel half as good this on race day, I might go for PR? Time will tell...
