Run: Easy Previous Next


4:16 PM

7.9 mi


11:42 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
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Today's run was great! Ran in blizzard conditions, during the heavy snows of the afternoon. Winds were in the 20-30 mph range with horizontal snow. I ran around Lambertville initially to see what it looks like in the snow (and to check if the pizza shop was still open). Then I crossed the bridge into Newhope (wearing a bright red pair of shorts, a vibrant green jacket, and a orange pair of ski googles - the equivalent of a snow running scuba suit) - got several onlookers to gawk and several people said "Hey Mister, that's pretty hard-core!" So I knew I was on the right track...

Per a recommendation, then hit the tow path (covered in anywhere from 6'' to 14'' of snow depending on the drifts and foot traffic) to run North to Stockton. Ran on the path for about 30 minutes in some seriously deep stuff, that was completely virgin powder for long stretches. Due to a mild burning sensation in my legs due to lactic acid buildup and the realization that I: a) Did not bring anything to supplement my run (in the blizzard) and b) It would grow dark soon - I took to the street to jog back up into Stockton and loop back toward Lambertville. I graced onto the path at times and hit some nice sidewalk drifts for stretches. Total deep snow running time between 30-45 minute altogether.

Not a fast run by any means, but a great aerobic workout. I have a learned a powerful lesson on deep snow running. If the snow is deep, don't hit the hills (b/c you will have no traction), but instead make the straights hard. Amazing experience and beautiful trails in the snow! Would definitely do again - I wish blizzards came more often!
