Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

3.1 mi


6:40 mi



10 / 10
10 / 10

Race Result

26 / 314 (8.3%)
5 / 9 (55.6%)
173 / 21 (823.8%)
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Great race, love the new course. Despite the time, which can be deceiving based on my previous best, I really felt that I ran the best race I could today. First mile clocked at 6:48, second 13:31, finish 20:39. Goal was for negative splits today, but ran a fairly consistent race, which is something to be proud of instead.

Didn't quite have some of the pop and explosiveness in my legs today and definitely noticed it, probably due to 20.5 miler on Tuesday, and lack of I-pace speedwork, but I was able to keep a fairly consistent pace (probably attributed to all the long distance and tempos I've been working on).

Can't wait for the marathon, after it, I'll get my speed legs back. For now, I like my new set of endurance legs. Great to run with the Scalawag on our team, should have won for best team name!
