Run: Easy Previous Next


10:30 AM

6.6 mi


7:05 mi


57 F
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<No name>


I ran with some friends today and decided to do the 4mile tempo at the end. My time wasn't that great (22:30) so about 5:35 pace or so. I blame this mostly on all the hills, ha. I started off downhill for about a 1/2 mile and then went up a fairly steep hill about 1/4 mile long, went back down to flat for about a 1/2 mile.... then.... I hit the BIG hill. It was a little more that a 1/2 mile long and was pretty steep. There was 3 more (steep) but smaller hills, though after that "BIG" one I was pretty worn out. I didn't hit the pace I should have but I was definitely putting in the effort. Ha.
