Run: Easy Previous Next


7:31 AM

9 mi


5:57 mi

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7 out of 9 miles were great today. The first mile my feet hurt (some sort of tendonitis or fasciitis bc it goes away after a mile) and starting mile 8, my left SI joint slipped out of place which hurt a lot but I was able to pop it back into place and felt fine afterwards,( I took the rest of that mile easy to test it out after I popped it back into place). I'm starting to do some strengthening exercises for my hip so this doesn't happen again. Anyways I refrained from doing any strides or drills afterwards, my splits were: 6:53, 6:09, 5:59, 5:50, 5:46, 5:45, 5:44, 5:57, 5:28
