Run: Race Previous Next


8:30 AM

26.2 mi


8:30 mi


140 lb


40 F


7 / 10
7 / 10

Race Result

451 / 2000 (22.6%)
  • Map

<No name>


this was the Harrisburg marathon. I felt good up until mile 17-18 and then i started to slow down. Wildwood park had some hills that took a toll on me. The last longer hill i walked up, it was smarter to do so. Up until mile 22-23 i wasn't too bad and really didn't want to walk. But, my legs thought otherwise. I would walk some and the run some. Basically i did this until the last mile. I still did some walking, but much less. There was a woman who collapsed a 1/2 mile from the finish. I stopped to help and so did three other woman spectators. They tried to get her up b/c the girl wanted to finish, but she wasn't going to. I ran back trying to find someone with water but by the time i got back, some kids were running to her with some. Summer was just before the entrance to the bridge and then i tried to boogie across the bridge and did so for half of it and then slowed a little bit but finished strong.

My shoulders were very sore afterwards and my legs were mush. My voice was raspier but it got better. The food was ok. We went to five guys and got some burgers, i was really tired as we were eating.

I was very smart with eating the past few days and i think that helped. The water in my belly sloshed around a bit so i think i was hydrated well. I did stop at several water stations to get water. I would get the cup and get out of the way so others could get theirs. I would walk and drink and then pitch the cup.

I really hope this is the only one i do, but if not i pray that i am ready again for the mileage after 18-20, it's a bitch if not prepared properly.

Only 1500 finished the race.
