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11:15 AM

8 km


5:29 mi


Came into this race optimistic and determined. I did not have much of a plan besides not going too hard the first two miles and draining myself out too early. I hung around Feldman for the first couple miles and felt like I was constantly changing my pace. Thankfully, I didn't let myself get too excited on the second mile which was basically all down hill; I knew I had given myself something to work with to get after it the final 3 miles. I maintained through the third mile marker and then began to progress. 5:22, 10:46, 16:20. My goal in the race was to come out with a PR, and I was set on doing so. I used Connor and Butch as targets to chase after. After going through the fourth mile we came to a solid downhill and I continued to move. It was here where I saw Richard and heard the words that for some reason really hit deep and stuck with me - and I'm not even sure if he'll remember he said them: "Let's see that speed, Josh. Run like a senior." It was those 4 last words that for some reason got to me and fueled me the last mile. This was just my third race in an Illinois kit and here was my coach making me feel like I already have a role of making a difference on the team. I let my legs carry me down the last downhill that fed straight into the sprint for the finish. I stared at Butch's back and swung my arms like hell to use every last ounce of 800 speed I had in me to move past him and finish my kick. I did end up completing my goal of PRing and am eager to do so again on a flat course. Grind progresses.



Another very nice race Josh. Glad to have you on the team, and thanks for making me feel the slightest bit better about dropping out. Looking forward to seeing the progression keep rolling.


Grind does progress, really enjoyed spending the majority of the weekend with you.

Cody Lund

You are going to have a huge PR on a flat course

Caleb Ferguson
