Run: Trail Previous Next


5:15 AM

10.5 mi


9:55 mi


166 lb


60 F


4 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


Good breakaway from the normal routine. Met with Boomer and Randy at 5:15 to carry supplies to the "HRC Clubhouse" and turned around and back to Knox Doss School to meet the rest of the group. Extremely slick trail, especially anywhere that was low, since it had rained so much yesterday. Didnt even attempt to stay clean or dry, going directly through the mud holes. Scared up several wild turkeys, a deer, several squirrels, and probably some stuff that we didnt see. Left out with the group, which turned out to be about 14 fellow HRC buds at 6:!5. Hit the big hill on Hillview and turned onto the pipeline trail. The trail was slicker after we had already run it once and several people busted their butts on the down hills and the hard 90 degree turns at the bottoms of the hills. Ran past the Clubhouse, up and down, past the dead cow (also the dead snake that Randy found) and all the way to Jenkins Lane. Through the Gate and on to the big lake halfway between there and Long Hollow. We all stopped and admired the morning sky, with all the fog and everything, turned around and headed back.

Stopped at the clubhouse, got a drink and then back to Knox Doss.

Very happy that so many decided to come out this morning, a real surprise since it was so nasty outside. Really, that is the best time to run trails. At the end, there were many ticks picked off and Boomer discovered that he must have rolled in poison ivy and was already breaking out. All of us were muddy buddies, except Ken, who had turned around at Jenkins with Tiffany Zwart, gone home and taken a shower. We all thought about rubbing some mud on him just because we could.

Great run, hopefully this will become a habit for many
