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7:02 AM

5.7 mi


7:30 mi

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6x400 at mi pace // 1' rest

went through first one in 32, pulled back a bit and finished in a 70. so i pulled back to hard. the next on i went out in 35, too slow, picked it up but really only finished in 70 again. this or something similar happened pretty much every rep. after the 4th rep i had gi problems. i finished poorly then went to go to the bathroom, but it settled enough for me to do one more rep after some time. i opted to do just 5 reps seeing that i had done another workout less than 24 hours ago and didnt want to force a workout that wasnt happening when we're only a few day out from nats. surprise, i couldnt break 70 on that one either. i expected to be more around 68 for all my reps

retrospectively, i had a great workout yesterday and tried to comeback and do something fast the next day and it didnt workout like i planned. that shouldnt be a big surprise and it probably wasnt the best idea to do the workouts so close, but those r the cards i was dealt with sickness and track availability.

the only real good new was that my sickness feels like its definitely better than the last few day. still got a bit to go, but hopefully will b 100 by nats.
