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7:33 AM

62.9 mi


16.68 mi / hr


140 bpm
167 bpm
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PE 80%+ Really windy out and humid!

I was planning to meet Aus to get in 2 loops of the Lake before the ride start, but apparently the alarm works better if you set it and then turn it on ;) I overslept and woke up a little before 7am.

When the team was ready to roll out, Aus wasn't back from looping yet so I opted to wait for her. We pushed it a little on the way out. Actually felt like my old self and much more efficient with my pedal stroke and although she's still faster, I could at least keep up with Aus. We caught up with the team at Cartwright (they had stopped at 7-11) so we went ahead to Shell and regrouped there. Rode with the team to just before the train tracks and Aus and I went left to do the old route.

I was short when we got back so I decided to loop the lake even though I figured it would be a madhouse, since I had a re-fit I wanted to spend more time getting used to it.
