Run: Long Previous Next


8:45 AM

11.5 mi


11:01 mi


No name


139 bpm
180 bpm
  • Map

Katy Trail


Perceived effort 68%. HR was a little erratic, a few times, according to my watch, it was in the high 160s-low 170s but I know it wasn't that high b/c it didn't feel that high. My strap was slipping a little bit and I think that may have caused some of the false readings (b/c when I adjusted it, my HR would drop almost immediately back into the high 130s). My pace did slow towards the end of the run (since I ran on KT, the water stops were limited so I think I was started to get a little dehydrated. I cut my run a little short b/c I was back at the car and I have a blister between my toes that was killing me.
