Bike: Race Previous Next


9:30 AM

12.4 mi


20.04 mi / hr


174 bpm
181 bpm


Race Result

14 / 24 (58.3%)
  • Map

Random Route


45 minute warm-up (average HR 120, Max 142)

37:08 Race - Time Trial (average HR 174, Max 181)

30 minute cool down on trainer

Due to extreme windy conditions, I opted not to use race wheels. Drank 2 bottles of watered down gatorade during warm up and had 1 and 1/2 Balance Protein bars for breakfast. I was 2nd in line at the start, Definitely went all out, perceived effort level during the race was 88%. I had to drop down to small chain ring 3 times when the wind was just too strong. Overall I was really happy with my performance
