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7:36 AM

42.9 mi


17.6 mi / hr


126 bpm
163 bpm
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PE 75%, Put my race wheels on to ride before Hawaii and shifting when I was in the little chain ring was really clunky, it was skipping gears and phantom shifting and time I shifted down to climb. Took the bike up to RBM (Brett was off this wkend) and they had to adjust the tension so will see how it rides on Monday.

Piriformis was tight and sore today. I actually bought a portable electrical stim unit at CVS, seems to help so I will continue to use that in conjunction with light stretching and hopefully condition will continue to improve. Is it sore because the surrounding muscles got weak when my hip was out and my fit was a bit off?? Or is it because the fit still needs to be tweaked? I guess time will tell.

Nutrition- 2.5 bottles
