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8:30 AM

100 mi


15.58 mi / hr


140 bpm
174 bpm


Perceived effort 80%. Did a much better job of fueling today - in addition to Infinit (2 bottles), I had 1 GU every few hours and a Power Bar Bite every 10-15 minutes - it definitely helped! I dropped on the Eagle's nest climb and didn't catch up on the downhill b/c I was riding the brakes. At the bottom of Eagle's nest, I flatted (again), as I was changing my tire, Randy came back to find me and we rode the next 10-12 miles to catch back up with the group. The last 10 miles of the ride were HELL, the wind-shifted from the North and the temps dropped 20 degrees suddenly. We had a 20-30 mph headwind on the way back into town (ugh). The sag vehicle created a draft to motorpace us in but a few of us (myself, Stephen and Jeff) got out of position and blew off the back. So, the 3 of us struggled up Highway 16 until the sag came back to rescue us.
