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10:09 AM

9 mi


8:54 mi


147 bpm
165 bpm
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My alarm went off at 7:30 but since my running buddy was in Chicago, I turned it off with the intention of just laying there for a few more minutes....bad idea, I feel asleep for another hour and a half so, by the time I got out to the lake, it was down-right hot. Quads felt stiff and heavy today between that and the blazing temps and humidity it was not a pleasant run. I stopped at every working water fountain from mile 2 on and also stopped on 2 other occasions to stretch and let my HR come down in the shade.Lesson learned - would have been better to get up early to run and then take a nap. I was toast the rest of the day - after gatorade, water a shower and food, I ended up on the couch with a headache the rest of the afternoon.

PE 85% (my own doing because of the late start)

PS - is there any value to running at this time of day when it's warmer since generally on race day that's when we run?
