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5:30 AM

11 mi


Tuesday 10-11 miles

Threshold: 3x12, 1x6 min @ 7 min pace w/ 2 min recovery.

Not as hard as I thought it was going to be, but still a little bit of a challenge towards the end of the second and third 12 min reps. Yesterday I noticed while sitting at a lunch meeting for an hour and a half, that my legs hurt. They weren't just sore - they hurt. I've only really felt that usually after a long run. I think this is a good sign though? I have felt a little awkward on some runs lately - thinking my leg muscles may be changing a bit.

Training Plan Entry


11 mi

Tuesday 10-11 miles

Threshold: 3x12, 1x6 min @ 7 min pace w/ 2 min recovery.
