Run: JAR Previous Next


6:39 PM

6.5 mi


9:19 mi


Beach run with Chris to 'bird sanctuary'. Saw many seabirds, vultures, all kinds that I have no knowledge of a name for. Also random pieces of bird wing minus the body, jelly fish and yucky trash. Lots of locals hanging out, couples making out, etc.

We ended up timing it just right so that the sun was 'setting' when we finished, below a very distinct stratocumulus layer! I've never seen anything like it, a red globe disappearing very far above the horizon, cirrus reflecting great pinky colors, etc.

The run itself was slow, since it was through non-compact sand, but very good, using the muscles differently etc. I'm still on the night schedule, so was happy it was hard enough to make me fall into a deep sleep when I got back!
