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8:30 AM

17.4 mi


1.66 mi / hr


Hiking Boots


  • Map

<No name>


After a night of rain pounding the tent, waking up to lots of damp gear, we decided to cut the trip short. We suited up, packed up, and as soon as we clicked our backpacks on we noticed the sunshine, the lack of dark ominous clouds, the break in the rain. Gorgeous.

Although we thought it might not last, this inspired a renewal of the 3 day plan. So we headed towards the Waptus Burn Trail. During the last 5 mile climb, the clouds took over the sky, the rain started again, first normal drizzle followed by intense drenching sleet. My jacket was no match and soon water was dripping down my back and chest. As we rose the temperature steeply dropped and our hands froze, I started shivering and wimpering. Eons later we reached the top cold wet and miserable, cussing at the trail that had no end and the rain that wouldn't stop. Knowing the freezing level was supposed to drop to 6000 feet, and knowing most of our stuff was wet, we decided to go back to the car, with the option of stopping if we found a nice campsite. A long cold tough 10 miles later we reached the car just before dark, thrilled to get warm and dry. What an intense adventure!
