Run: Long Previous Next


2:00 PM

21.1 mi


12:22 mi


82 F
  • Map

<No name>


Rattlesnake Ridge afternoon, super hot day, already ran track this morning but NEED to get a long run in before corsica race in 2 weeks! Felt nice and peaceful going up, happy that despite my undertraining I can still plug up hill slowly. Down of course was easy, but did twist my right ankle a couple times trying to watch out for hikers, and the heat was sweltering away my concentration. The lower I got the hotter it was. I really wish they had water on the other side. Going back up was slow, hot, I ran out of water though I was trying to conserve every drop. Hiked lot of it after the first 2 miles, and stopped at a few viewpoints to rest and take in the gorgeous scenery. Once I reached the top (East peak), I lied down on its bench and rested a good 20 minutes at least in the shade, waiting for my body temperature to go down and to feel relaxed again. I kept thinking about how if I saw a hiker I was going to beg them for water, but it was after 5PM, there were very few people out there. My mouth was incredibly dry, and I kept sucking at my bottles trying to eek out any moisture left. East peak to the next view point was mostly down, which I ran, but walked the ups. I rested at the next viewpoint, at peace, happy I only had downhill left.It was an easy rest of the way down, dreaming about my warm waterbottle in the car, which was promptly chugged upon arrival.
