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9:00 AM

7.5 mi


1.67 mi / hr


Hiking Boots


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<No name>


The downhill trek to the Snowlake trailhead. A real trail to follow, with a few slightly technical sections, but still to be considered a 'trail', unlike whatever we traveled through the other days. My cold made me feel a bit icky, and although it was relatively 'easy' hiking, I had a tough time. I didn't sleep for more than 1 consecutive hour the night before, my back hurt, a lot, and as we descended the 4,000 feet I became overheated in the clothing that hadn't been warm enough when we started. Even though the views were splendid, as we dropped from grogeous lake to gorgeous lake to roaring rivers, I just wanted it to be over. It was such a wonderful place I wish I had taken a moment to readjust my attitude. Near the end I did a bit, and instead of trying to run down it to get it over with, I walked with Toffer at a perfectly beautiful pace while Ryan sprinted ahead. The end of a great trip, looking at the photos I want to go back!
