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6:30 PM

6000 m


6:04 mi


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Went with group 4A again-- did a little better at holding my ground. The goal was to alternate 4:36, 4:33. As you see this isn't what happened...

There was only 3 of us, so we took turns leading laps-- I took the last lap the first 3 reps, but in the 4th fell behind in the second lap, so let them go-- and in the 5th led the second lap, and fell only a couple seconds behind in the last lap. I think I would have maintained better if we had followed the 4A plan, but 4:25 is exciting! This was my first track workout last year-- and it is amazing to see how much faster I am.

JD helped get me through this, calling me to catch up when I started falling back-- thank you!! Though he is also the one that set the blistering pace...
