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30 day challenge, day 2

30s on/10s off, jump rope between each 30s

1. Side Jumps Lunge or Star Jumps

2. One Jump Forward & Two Jumps Back

3. 10 High Knees & Drop Down

4. Clean & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar

5. Lunge & Twist - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

6. One Leg Press Up - (L&R Alternate)

7. Oblique Side V Abs - (1 V ab left – roll – 1 V ab right )

8. Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

9. Mountain Climbers

10. Upright Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar

11. Bicep Curl & Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar

12. Wood Chops - (left) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

13. Wood Chops - (right) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

14. 10 High Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers

15. Ball Oblique Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

16. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag

17. Bent Over Row - using the Sandbag or Tbar

18. Front Raise & Side Fly Raise - using the Tbar weights

19. Tuck Abs

20. Burpee, Push-Up & Jump

21. Tricep Dips - (Your Choice)

22. Plank

23. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Tbar

24. Push-Up, Burpee & Star Jump

25. Spider Push-Up - (L&R Alternate)

26. Straight Punches - using the Tbar weights

27. Tuck Jumps

28. Upper Cuts - using the Tbar weights

29. Snowboard - (wide leg jump with a turn)

30. Box Taps

31. Push-Up & Side Plank

32. Jump Lunges

33. Half Burpee & Calve Raises

34. Crunches with Leg Extensions

35. Reverse Curls

36. Squats - using the Sandbag or Tbar

37. Jump Squats

38. Prisoner Squats & Front Kick

39. Straight Abs

40. Touch Toe Abs - (L&R Alternate)
