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day 22


Section 1:

x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Burpees or Skipping)

1. 3 Point Plank Abs

2. 1/2 Burpee & Uplight Row - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

3. Over Ball Push-Ups – using the Ugi Ball

4. Squat Pike & Pike Tricep Push Up (or tricep of choice )


(One Round Rest)


Section 2:

x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Squat Jumps or Star Jumps)

1. Lunge Forward & Back – (R&L Alternate) – using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

2. One Leg Elavated Push Up & Spider Knee – (R&L Alternate) - using the Equalizer & or Ugi Ball

3. Clean & Press + Squat & Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

4. 10 Mountain Climbers & 10 Switch Kicks


(One Round Rest)


Section 3:

x 2 Times Through (Cardio = High Knees)

1. 1 Push Up, 1/2 Burpee & 1 Tuck Jump

2. Single Leg Elevated Push Up & Under The Equalizer Knee – (L&R Alternate) - using the Equalizer

3. Squat & Side Life – (L&R Alternate) - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar

4. Knee Tuck & V – using the the Equalizer


(One Round Rest)


Section 4:

x 2 Times Through (Cardio = Mountain Climbers or Mat Jumps)

1. Switch Lunges

2. Reverse Push Ups - using the the Equalizer

3. Sandbag Swings - using the Sandbag

4. Standing Squat Pike Jumps



1. Suitcase Crunches - using the Tbar weights the Sandbag or Ugi Ball

2. Plank Knee Reach – using the Tbar weights

3. Plank Knee Reach - using the Tbar weights

4. Tuck & Chuck – using or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

5. Russian Twists - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

6. Touch Toe Abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

7. V Abs Left

8. V Abs Right

9. Bike Abs

10. C Sit A Frame abs - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

11. Plank & Punch - or Tbar weights

12. Tuck & Lift - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights

13. DiveBombers

14. 50 Straight Sit Ups – Burnout

15. Back Lifts
