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7:45 AM

61.4 mi


17.18 mi / hr


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-Have been wanting to take this route for a while. Overall, it was pretty good. Some of the roads were pretty crappy, but rideable.

-Going along Shepard there was the Women Rock Half Marathon/10k so there were thousands of women running along the road.

-Warner Bridge closed in St. Paul so had to take a detour through downtown and Indian Mounds Park area. If doing that route again I need to go on Mounds Blvd vs the path.

-Along Point Douglas Road S was nice, although I wouldn't do the route again after rain, due to numerous puddles.

-7th Ave through Newport was a good route, although, crossing over 494 was the worst smell I have ever smelled in my life. I remember it smelling bad around that area when I did the Mississippi River Regional trail, but this was far worse.



Did you hit a couple of dead ends on the route? That's what it looks like from the map.


Yeah. The route I wanted to take was the loop via Grey Cloud Trail S, but at Geneva it turned into a dirt road (Google Maps shows Grey Cloud Trail S as a paved road). I knew Geneva was a dead end for cars, but wanted to see if there was a way through. On the other side by Mississippi Dunes I wanted to see how much of a dirt road was there since I couldn't see that from Geneva.