Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:30 PM

3 mi


6:11 mi


85 F
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COMMENTS: Match pace run. Ran with Pat, Chris, Bertram, Sunny. First mile was about 6:15, 2nd mile was 6:16, last mile was 6:00 (3:09 800 followed by a 2:51 kicked in 800). Bertram and Sunny stopped after 2.5 . Pat outkicked Chris after almost falling off the pace, and they finished 18:41 and 18:44 (about) . PR's for Pat, Chris, and I, and my kick was fast, even though it didn't feel very good. My legs started to hurt after the first mile, probably just from fatigue from mileage and the tempo on tuesday. However, I was pleased with how I ran, considering fatigue/ weather (mid 80's and humid). Great run!
