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10:00 AM

6.3 mi


7:46 mi


Middle two miles in 7:30 and 7:19. I'm a bit concerned about soreness in my left knee -- the same one that bugged me in August and caused me to miss a week of running. The pain started towards the end of Sunday's run and was definitely bothering me yesterday at work. I decided to try a run this morning and the soreness was there but not horrible. It didn't slow me up and if it stays like that during the marathon on Sunday, I should be OK. But if it gets worse during the race, I could have my second marathon DNF. I'm not a believer in running through sharp knee pains since I always take the long view on running and there is always another race -- nothing wrong with a DNF, in fact, it is usually a smart decision. Hopefully, that decision will not have to be made on Sunday.
