Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

5 km


6:30 mi


Scott T2


153 lb


60 F


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result



I raced about as well as I could. There was a pack of about eight people for the first 3/4 of a mile. The front two peeled off for the 10KM, while the other six went the 5KM. I was third at this point. I passed the front guy at about 1.25 miles, and just about that time, two young looking high school kids with crew cuts went flying by me, plus the guy I just passed and one other. We hit an uphill section, so I hung on until we hit a flat stretch and started working on catching the nearest guy. As I was just about to catch him, a young looking high school girls goes by. I use her to catch and pass the guy I was working on. I tried to catch her, but just fell two seconds shy with a 20:10. First mile in 6:27, so the pace was about even. The second mile must have been slower due to the hill, but ran faster the last mile to make up for it. I'm not sure what to think. I would have like for it to have been faster. Could have been physically tired from camp, but who knows, maybe that helped. It was a fun run, so no official results. Actually no results at all. They didn't even time or record any of the finishers except the top overall male and female. If you didn't time yourself, you were out of luck. Ouch!
