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5:05 PM



157 bpm
193 bpm
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Good conversation with Carl. Talked about Chapman's approach to XT and injuries, the environment, and the cult that we will form when I perish and Carl places my body in the pond on the XC course. The whole WXC will then truly become a cult where they take their pills and visit/worship my body in the pond, and every summer they have to return to celebrate my rise to the surface as my decaying flesh reforms and bloats and I float to the top again. And then people will have to keep a 24/7 watch so that the geese don't peck my body. And then my dead body will grant magical powers to the WXC runners (but it might just be their competitors screaming in horror and disgust as they run past my half-decomposed grinning face).

Also, we saw Robbie, so I asked him some questions about himself and found out that his favorite color is blue and he likes soccer but not baseball.

Carson was there for a while and we talked about how we all have SAD.


Clare Dave

I have to say, when you told me I should read your log today this is definitely not what I expected. Not disappointed, just not what I was expecting.